Four key funnel stages to check every day in automotive e-commerce

Four key funnel stages to check every day in automotive e-commerce

No matter where you work or what industry you work in, there will always be many reports that get generated and shared around your teams that are designed to help showcase various metrics that show your efforts are actually working.

But let’s be honest, they are not always that helpful and the people you want to read them don’t always have the time to read them. So the team at Rockar Tech have found the four key funnel stages that need to be checked each morning to make sure everything is doing what it should be. 

Before we get into the actual metrics, let’s figure out exactly what we mean when we say funnel stages. 


A sales funnel is a “consumer-focused marketing model that illustrates the theoretical customer journey toward the purchase of a good or service.” 


The sales funnel is typically broken into 4 categories: 

– Awareness

– Interest

– Desire

– Action

These are the four areas that Rockar Tech checks each morning, which helps us to monitor where people are in their journey and if there are any leaks in the eCommerce funnel.



Awareness is the first stage in any sales funnel and for that, Rockar Tech looks at the overall number of website sessions. This shows how many people are aware of your brand and the vehicles that are on offer. From this metric it is easy to compare the previous day, the previous year, or pretty much any other date range that you can think of. 



Stage two of the funnel is interest and for this, we look at product page views. If customers are landing on product pages we can see exactly what model(s) and/or specific car they are interested in. 



The next stage is desire which is where we monitor adds to baskets, wish lists, and product enquiries. This stage shows when a customer has the desire to buy a product, but maybe isn’t ready just yet. It is at this stage we would take some actions to help them cross over to the next funnel stage, but that is a whole other article.



The fourth and final stage is action, for Rockar this is orders being placed. It is the final point that can be taken in a sales funnel and the ultimate goal of any eCommerce platform.

Monitoring these four funnel stages daily is another way Rockar Tech uses customer data to help inform decisions and marketing actions. If you would like to find out more about your sales funnel or would like some support in stopping those leaks, get in touch today.

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